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Friday, November 26, 2010


Heidi Montag has recently unveiled her new, totally plastic, look, in the pages of People magazine. Previously, Heidi has had a nose job, boob job and lip injections and now she recently also had the following cosmetic procedures done:
Brow lift
- Botox
- Nose Job #2
- Fat injections in the face
- Chin reduction
Liposuction of the neck
- Liposuction on the waist
- Liposuction on the hips
- Liposuction on the thighs
- Ears pinned back
Breast augmentation #2
- Butt augmentation
Heidi Montag is only 23 years old and she’s already racked up this huge list of plastic surgeries andcosmetic procedures?! Even more appalling is that she looked 100 times better before undergoing all of these procedures. Now she just looks like a transvestite. What a waste of time, money and pain.



Do you regret getting breast implants? Well, if so, you are not alone. Here is a list of celebrities that had breast augmentation and then later had their breast implants removed:

- Loni Anderson
Pamela Anderson (She had 2nd thoughts and later replaced them.)
- Kate Beckinsale
- Linda Blair
- Nicole Eggert
- Jane Fonda
- Mariel Hemingway
Jenna Jameson (Jenna claims to have removed her implants, but it appears that she just downsized.)
- Jenny Jones
- Sally Kirkland
Courtney Love
- Jenny McCarthy (She later replaced her implants.)
- Demi Moore
- Stevie Nicks
- Britney Spears
- Kimberly Stewart
- Kari Wuhrer
The unfortunate thing about getting breast implants and not liking them, is that it is not only a waste of thousands of dollars, but breast implants can stretch out and damage your breasts. Most people that have implants permanently removed will have to undergo a breast lift or additional surgeries to correct the damage done by implants.
There are many reasons why people opt to remove their breast implants. Here is a 29-year old women that is suffering from capsular contracture. This happens when the scar tissue tightens around and squeezes the implant.



Why so pouty, Jennifer? Could it be because you havn’t quite figured out how to control your collagen injected top lip?
Photos of Jennifer Garner before she became a well-known celebrity show a very different set of lips. Most noticeable is her top lip, which used to be a third of the size that it is now. When Jennifer was younger she had a very cute (yet gummy) smile. She has since traded in her cute girl next door smile for the standard issue puffy Hollywood lips. In addition to lip injections, Jennifer looks like she may have had surgery on her top lip, to bring it down and reduce the amount of gums shown when she smiles. Either way, Jennifer is a very pretty women and her lips don’t look overly done. Yet.


Madonna is well know for reinventing herself and it appears that she is desperately trying to restore the youth to her face. Unfortunately, even living an extremely healthy lifestyle can only turn back time so much. The rest of the fine tuning is then left to a plastic surgeon…It appears that Madonna has some work done of her face, right before her Reinvention Tour in 2004. She has certainly had a blepharoplasty (upper and lower eyelid surgery) as well as some botox and possibly some facial fillers to smooth out the lines. All in all, I think Madonna looks great. She will be 50 years old this year.


Well, I guess the rumors about Hilary Duff wanting to get plastic surgery for her wedding were true. Hilary stepped out in Hollywood yesterday sporting a new pair of boobs.


Looks like Geri Halliwell has followed in the footsteps of fellow Spice Girls Melanie Brown andVictoria Beckham, and has gotten herself some new boobs.
“Hello Boobies, my name is Geri…So happy to have you aboard!”
Personally, I think 38-year old Geri looked better before the fake boobs. Breast implants are just too obvious and in your face on a women with so little body fat.


Donda West, Kanye West’s mom, died dued to complication of undergoing cosmetic surgery. Donda had two cosmetic surgeries (tummy tuck and breast reduction) performed at the same time, and died at her home two days later. Kanye West’s mother was 58 years old when she died.
The surgery that caused Donda West’s death was performed by Dr. Jan Adams, who was later revealed to not be a board certified plastic surgeon.


Catherine Zeta Jones does not want to age. Catherine is 37 years old and appears to be using botox and facial fillers to stop any wrinkles on her face. I first noticed how overly botoxed her face was when I saw her in “The Terminal”. She looked like an animated puppet because her face was so frozen.

Kate Hudson

It appears that Kate Hudson recently went under the knife to increase her breast size.
The change is somewhat subtle, as Kate went from barely an A cup to a small B cup. Thankfully she didn’t go any larger as her small frame and low body fat would not be able to properly hide a larger implant. All in all, I think her plastic surgeon did a great job and Kate’s new breast implants look great!

Leslie Ash Whines about Her Bad Lip Implants

Leslie Ash is an English actress that starred on the sitcom “Men Behaving Badly”. Leslie is 50 years old and looks ridiculous after having too much plastic surgery. 
Leslie agrees that plastic surgery has disfigured her face and regrets getting silicon lip implants, but she feels that the ridicule that she’s faced in the media is unjust, and said:
If I’d lost a leg in a car crash, people wouldn’t have felt able to take the mickey out of me so mercilessly….People don’t laugh at Heather Mills because she lost a leg.
Well Leslie, that is probably because Heather Mills lost her leg after being hit by a car. You, on the other hand, paid a plastic surgeon to butcher your face. So, yeah…I think you need to come up with a better analogy then that, you vapid c$%^.
And even though Leslie has made a big whiney stink about how bad her lip implants turned out, she obviously still gets Botox and filler injected into her face and has recently said that she wouldn’t rule out getting a facelift in the future. What an idiot.
In other news…Doesn’t it look like Leslie Ash and Meg Ryan got their lip implants from the same doctor?Scary.


Some old prom pictures of Stacy “Fergie” Ferguson have surfaced, and I think they are very telling when it comes to the “What has happened to Fergie’s face?” question.
Something has definately happened to her brow. I thought it was simply some aggressive botox, but the change is so extreme that I think she may have had a full-on brow lift


I always suspected that Mary Kate Olsen (and possibly Ashley) started getting lip injections, shortly after they turned 18. It’s pretty much a requisite to have had “work done”, in order to get into Hollywood hotspots like Villa, The Ivy and Chateau Marmont, nowadays…
Any who, my suspicions were validated after seeing Mary-Kate at Paris Fashion Week. She has most certainly plumped her lips and it looks like she stepped out in public before the swelling has gone down this time.


Megan Fox is no stranger to the plastic surgeon’s office, but she had gone WAY overboard this time. Her once stunning face is too puffy in some places, paralyzed in others and altogether she looks really bizarre.
Previous, Megan has plumped her lips and gotten a nose job, but now it seems that the 24-year-old actress has severely over botoxed her face as well as over plumped her cheeks and lips with injectable fillers. Luckly the botox and injectable fillers will fade out within a few months, so hopefully Megan Fox learned her lesson and will stop with the plastic surgery!

Mariah Carey (LIPOSUCTION)

Mariah Carey has had multiple plastic surgeries through out her career, and for the most part, her plastic surgeon has done a phenomenal job. The one thing that I can’t stand is the very obvious liposuction she has had on her stomach.


As a matter of fact, she appears to be missing any sort of butt at all! If you were Ke$ha would you consider plastic surgery to improve your butt? Or should she just hit the gym and start doing squats/lunges to improve her a$$ets?

Adrianne Curry

What makes an American Next Top Model announce publicly that her left breast was 20% bigger than the right? Wouldnt it be better for a 24 years old beauty to make her breast reconstrustion secretly and remain unspoken? Not only is she sharing details of her right-left-breast-asymmetry, but she has also published online pictures in which she's happily hugging her plastic surgeon.

Lil Kim

has changed so much since “Lady Marmalade”, you’ll hardly convince your mum it’s one person… Nose narrowing, contact lenses, new cheekbones, and look at those enormousbreast implants – considering Lil Kim’s height (she is only 4'11") the implants are unproportionally large. Plastic surgeons say she may be having back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain soon - because of the weight of the breasts.

Jessica Simpson ( lip augmentation)

 confessed to Glamour magazine that she tried to augment her lips with gel injections, but realized that it looked awful. Thanks god it was Restylane - a gel that naturally dissolves after several months. Could be worse...

“I had that Restylane stuff,” Jessica Simpson says. “It looked fake to me. I didn’t like that. But…it went away in, like, four months. My lips are back to what they were. Thank God!”

Tara Reid


  1. Having done dozens of pictures for FHMs and Maxims, one day Tara Reid appeared on the same pages with surprisingly bigger breasts, so much bigger and rounder that all celebrity blogs immediately suggested Tara had breast augmentation.

Lindsay Lohan

 before & after breast enhancement?
This one is to defend Linsday Lohan and to prove that her breasts are real. Ever since all this infatuation with plastic surgery began, every woman with normal breasts has become a suspect. One of the biggest arguments is that “they are fake, because they are too round”. So-what? What do think they should be? Round is a natural and correct shape of woman’s mammary gland which actually defines the form of your breast. And millions of women are born with normal round breasts, believe it or not.

Victoria Beckham

 With breast implants or without them Victoria Bechham remains goargeous woman, and acclaimed fashion icon.
Constantly searching and experimenting with her style Posh Spice doesnt stop to exite us. Still...what has been most exiting lately are those two round breast implants, looking like two grapefruit halves.

Victoria's choice may seem quite strange, considering that today's plastic surgery tecniques allow you to have absolutely natural look after breast augmentation. Even with women who have very little breast tissue to cover the implant it’s always possible to put breast implants under the muscle to give it a softer appearance. Or you can use teardrop implants and lessen that very shelfy look on top. So, this is not a classic example of breast cosmetic surgery, but with Posh, her killing legs and designer clothes it looks kinda stylish and daring.